Monday, October 30, 2006

Sunday Lesson 10/29/06

My lesson yesterday was about Brotherly Love from Romans 12:10. I talked about how occasionally my Dad would get tired of the bickering going on between me and my siblings and he would make us hug and kiss each other. They seemed to like that story. I then set about showing that we are family and need to act like it. Even though we are blood family we can still develop family affection. In fact one commentator suggested that the phrase in Romans 12:10 should read "in brotherly love, develop family affection." So I played off of that idea. But we need an ideal version of family for our goal. I suggested that the family shows of the late 50s and early 60s gave us an ideal version of family that is far better than the reality family shows of today. Better that we have this ideal version and moved toward it than wallow in the reality of real family life of today. I then showed how we could develop family affection and ended with some practical suggestions - mostly tied to programs or things we are currently doing.

No lesson Sunday night. The young men did the service. Kevin Holder did the lesson. His text was Philippians 3:13-14. He talked about perseverance. Logan and Killian (brothers living in one of the cottages here at the Christian Home) did the Lord's Supper (their first time being involved in worship). Tyler Newton read the Scripture. Eddie (our youth minister) lead the singing. It was really good. I liked taking a break and I really liked being able to hear our young men take the lead.

1 comment:

Matt said...

It is such a blessing to see and hear young people get up and speak/lead worship!