Sunday, February 18, 2007

Post fad

No the title is not about "posting" on blogs as a fad. I just notice that "post" anything today seems to be a fad. Let me share with you what I mean.

1. Post modernism (this philosophy actually began in the architectural field contrasting newer styles with traditional styles. Of course it has morphed into those who distrust "modernism" which came from the Enlightenment era. Modernism is the belief that there are truths and universal facts to our universe. Post modernism rejects universal or absolutes. Francis Schaeffer's book Escape From Reason mentioned one author involved in what became the post modern philosophy long before anyone really recognized post modernism.)
2. Post liberalism (George Lindbeck's book The Nature of Doctrine attempted to explain this new movement. Hans Frei's books also are about the post liberal approach to Christianity. Actually post liberalism has quite a bit that our fellowship would like. Lindbeck's book however is a difficult read. One reviewer called it "tortured prose.")
3. Post conservative (don't really know much about these folks but have read a couple of articles so I know that they exist.)
4. Post restorationist (just saw this the other day. Don't know much about them either but their title provided the inspiration for this "post" of mine.)

Are there any other "posts" out there that I'm missing. I'm sure there are. Actually considering the mind set of our society today "post" could be applied to almost any philosophy or field. We appear to enjoy changing the traditional, so "post" seems an apt prefix.



Hi Robert,

Ran across you from Lisa's blog. I think she belongs to you. She seems like a super-nice gal. I've enjoyed getting to know her through the blog world.

Are you a Sunset-ex?



Brian Nicklaus said...

I hear people talking about America as a "post-christian" nation, which I think is at least more accurate than "Christian Nation"

Matt said...

Some people say we are in post-Christian United States. Others flip the coin toward optimism and call it pre-Christian.

Matt said...

Here is another one for


Bob Bliss said...

Brian - I think that post-Christian is an apt term for America.

Matt - post-denominational is an interesting term. I've read a little bit of internet monk and think he probably pushes the envelope quite a bit so it will be interesting to see where he goes with that term.