Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If you could own any car

Others have done some spiritual questions about "what if. . ." so I thought I would do something a little materialistic. If you could have any car in the world what would it be and why? Mine is the above. 1991 Porsche 944 S2. Dual overhead cams, 16 valves, 5 sp manual, turbo-nose, and what a sight she is! This was the final year Porsche made the 944. I loved it the first year (1982) it came out. I loved the turbo model because the nose was smoother than the regular. So when they put the turbo nose on the regular with a better engine, I was really hooked. Maybe because it was a little more affordable than the 928 or the 911. Actually I just fell in love with how it looks. Maybe not everyone would like its lines, but I did. It was more muscular looking than the 924 which it replaced. Now of course they are slowly becoming classic or antiques. Every now and then I cruise eBay just to see how much they cost. But if I had the money ($10,000 plus in good condition), this would be mine. It would be either dark green or black with a tan or cream colored interior. Ah, dreams.


Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams, Dad.

Bob Bliss said...


Paula Harrington said...

I'd be thankful to drive a Surburban that didn't smell like feet and all the doors worked properly....

I think it has a whole to do with having five kids (Including three teen boys! :)

Bob Bliss said...

Ah, a practical woman, just like my wife. Have you tried Febreze? Or a good stiff air freshener? You can find them at the check out stand in most any grocery store. They put them there because they know women like you are longing for their cars (minivans) to smell something other than children.


Great question: A couple of years ago I'd have said a Corvette Stingray. Now I'd say a Corvette ONLY IF I wasn't the one buying the gas. If I have to pay for the gas I'm wanting an ugly gas saving car.

Remember when we used to say, "Drive it like you stole it?" Anymore with gas prices like they are I think, "Drive it like you're not buying the gas" is a much better phrase! :)

Anonymous said...

Only $10,000 - hey, sell your truck and buy two ;-) Great to have a dream. Jeanne

Bob Bliss said...

My truck is cost $2,450.00 but I have put about $2,000.00 worth of work and parts into it. A little more and I might just make that $10,000.00 mark.

Loni said...

You already known mine! I would definitely want the newest Eclipse Spyder! I loved seeing it at the auto show. My second choice would have to be a Jeep Wrangler. Not the soft top though. I don't want to have to pay for that gas, so for now I will stick with my '95 Eclipse that gets pretty good gas mileage!