Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jesus' Mighty Men

I was writing an article for the bulletin on Veteran's Day. I used 2Samuel 23:8-38 for honoring our military. I don't know whether or not it's an exact parallel but I thought it close enough. As I was writing the article and reading the text, it struck me that the text mentions two groups of David's men, the thirty and the Three. Several men have a name almost of the Three but they are not of the Three. This got me to thinking about Jesus' three - Peter, James, and John. I wonder if the Gospels are hinting that Jesus has his three just as David did? I don't think I've ever read anything that draws a parallel between David and Jesus in this regard. Has anyone ever read anything that suggests this? Has anyone ever thought of this parallel?

These three get more mention in the Gospels than any of the other apostles. They also are the one's that Jesus generally takes with him on special occasions (like the Transfiguration). Peter gets to preach the first gospel proclamation. James is the first to die in persecution. John gets to hang around and probably is the last to die. They do seem to occupy a special place in the body of Christ. So are they Jesus' Three?

1 comment:



Never thought of it in this way. But have recently finished reading about David and his mighty men. Amazing stories. Their ability to fight physical battles for David and the Lord is amazing. And I guess Peter, James and John's ability to fight spiritual battles also goes with out equal.

I like the thought!