Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My first blog

Well, I've finally done it. I've created a blog. My son has one. Now I have one. I'm not sure how disciplined I will be in adding posts. I am seldom without something to say. Whether or not I have an audience makes little difference to me. So here goes.

I'm currently at the Harding University Lectureships in Searcy, AR. For those of you who may have stumbled onto my new blog, Harding is within the fellowship of the Churches of Christ. I am a preacher within that fellowship. The brother-in-law of one of our deacons where I preach told me that he thought the lectureships in the Churches of Christ were the source of our unity. I think he's mostly correct in that judgment. I love being at our lectureships (at least most of them). I am constantly meeting people who know people that I know. I usually have a great time!

My great time is enhanced here because I can spend a little time with our son, Trey. He's a senior here at Harding. Last summer he stayed in Searcy and worked rather than coming home for the summer. I missed him more than I am willing to admit. Even though he could have saved rent and utilities by coming home, his need for independence was greater. I understand that. I wanted to be independent from my parents when I was his age. I hope he has learned much from his independence.

I'm not sure how long blogs are supposed to be but I'm going to terminate this session. I have a lot more to say but this is all for my first time.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good job, Gamps, your site looks good. I'm glad you're enjoying the lectureship. I know your class will go really well! When are you teaching? Say hi to Trey for me--he thinks because he has a xanga site he doesn't have to say "hi" personally anymore. And say hi to the gang you're down there with too. Love you all!