Here are some links to some interesting posts at FaithVisuals. The first is a two part interview with Shane Hipps. Hipps wrote
The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture. I would recommend reading it. He has some interesting insights because of his work in the advertising business. The folks at FaithVisuals had a two part interview with him that you can read beginning
here. Then you can read the second part
here. He doesn't reject the visual media outright but does explore cautionary thinking toward the use of video projectors during our sermons.
FaithVisuals also has an interesting post about using icons in your PowerPoint slides rather than photos. I think the author makes an interesting point. Read his insights
here and see what you think. He claims that sometimes photos can be distracting since the photo represents something specific rather than an idea. For instance, if you are talking about the home and use a photo of a home, some might sit in the audience and think, "I like that home!" They are distracted from your point. But an icon of a house helps them to picture their own home rather than someone else's. I think to a degree that this discussion fits in with Hipps's discussion about the medium having a message all its own.
Another thought pertaining to distractions during a PowerPoint sermon, Dr. Arlene Taylor recommends using only a white background. She maintains that colors bring up memories and thus a distraction. Dr. Taylor has a bi-monthly enewsletter about research on the brain. You can read her discussion on the use of white backgrounds
here. Scroll down to the Q&A section. I suppose anything can be a distraction to anyone. You can never be sure of whether a fragrance, color, article of clothing, a word, or almost anything could be a distraction.
So what do some of you preachers do with your PowerPoint slides? How do you craft a presentation? For those of you who don't preach, what do your preachers do with PowerPoint? What do you think is an effective use of PowerPoint? I've been thinking about this for some time now. I've read a couple of books but I'm still trying to grow and learn. Share your thoughts with me.