Monday, October 03, 2005

Feeling Better

Definitely feeling better this Monday morning. Yesterday was good in spite of whatever it is that's ailing me. Got some special compliments on my sermons, especially the evening one. It still feels sort of funny (not ha ha funny, but strange funny) preaching for the congregation knowing that I will be leaving soon. And knowing that some don't get my preaching. God has humbled me in this and I will grow because of it.

My search for another congregation is slow. I'm not sure if that's because I'm not that aggressive or because we are too narrow in our target areas or because the churches we've contacted are just going slow. God is making sure we understand waiting on him and his time. I have to admit that I feel funny trying to push a church into making a quick decision about me. I guess I'm afraid that they will side on caution and say no. Only God knows where we will go and how we will do.

Got some new books this weekend. I go them from Wal-Mart online. One is on Postmodernism. One reason for choosing this particular book is that he talks about George Lindbeck, one of the authors of the post-liberal movement. I have always thought that Lindbeck was at least a little postmodern in his thinking and I believe this book will show that my belief was true. I'm sure I will have more to say on this later.

That's all for now. Time to get to work.

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